Welcome to the mission nerd


Mission NERD aims to create unique experiences, stimulate creativity, enable dialogue and spread scientific knowledge to the community. Our volunteers are committed scientists working at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.

Mission NERD (Nanotechnology Education and Research Demonstrations) aims to create unique experiences by decoding science to society in a whole new way! We release human uniqueness by orchestrating the connectivity between Creativity & Science. At first glance, Mission NERD may appear as a scientific outreach movement, but in fact, is much more than that. The idea is to inspire and re-connect people of different realities by using a common ground - the spirit of sharing. Our mission is for all people of all ages! The only request: allow your curious nature to lead the way!

Our volunteers are committed scientists working at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. We believe that explaining the science behind the scenes of daily life, scientists can approach society and intrinsically bring to the front page that we are all connected!

Mission NERD aims to foster nanotechnology education and research demonstrations globally and work in core values of our society. The Mission acronym name, NERD, recalls the magic of being different in our society. Each person has something unique, good and meaningful to share! Our mission intends to use science as the link to dilute cultural frontiers and stereotypes towards the difference, contributing to a more inclusive society.

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Making a difference for the community

We decided to bring science to the society, showing that it is present in the simplest tasks and also what is happening scientifically behind the scenes of our daily life. By sharing our knowledge, we want to show that we are all connected!


Our mission


Mission NERD - Nanotechnology Education and Research Demonstrations is a scientific volunteer activity that explains the science behind the scenes of daily life.

This Mission allows scientists to approach the society and intrinsically bring to the front page that “we are all connected” providing, at the same time, an enthusiastic and learning activity in a whole new way!

The Mission’s acronym name, NERD, also recalls a stereotype to break and instead embrace the magic of our uniqueness. Each person has something unique, good and meaningful to share with others. So, do not be distracted and embrace this magic (as we do)!


Our Partners

The program’s success relies on collaboration between our volunteers and our partners that support our activities and help us foster an active dialogue and increasing awareness of the science between the researchers and the general public.

  • Hospital of Braga (ongoing collaboration since May 2017)

  • Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro (ongoing collaboration since June 2017)

  • Portuguese Red-Cross (ongoing collaboration since February 2019)

    i) Geração Tecla

    ii) Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (SAD

    iii) Programa Integrado e Inovador de Combate ao Insucesso Escolar

    iv) +Atitude

  • UDream (2018)

  • School project “Experimentar para Partilhar”, uma ideia com mérito – rede de bibliotecas escolares (2017-2018, Mission NERD contributed in some activities)


Want to know more?

If you wish to reach the Mission NERD team you can send an email directly to mission.nerd@inl.int or fill out the form below: